Have you ever considered how exciting it would be to receive a scholarship, either partially or entirely funded, to study abroad? No one would not wish for this; even the wealthy would want it for their children to help with the cost.

However, many people are hesitant to apply for scholarships to study abroad, either because they don’t know how to do it or because they believe it will be extremely difficult or nearly impossible to get one.

To be honest, getting one is not easy, but it is not impossible, and with this article, you will be guided step by step on how to apply for a scholarship in Canada.

Why should you choose Canada?

Among the many countries around the world, Canada is one that provides excellent opportunities for international students to study, as well as a diverse range of scholarships.

Canada has approximately 96 universities spread across its urban and rural areas, including some of the world’s top universities.

Another appealing feature is that it has two official languages, English and French.

There are also colleges in Canada that offer short courses and diplomas. So, whatever you desire, it has a variety that will undoubtedly satisfy your taste.

Canada also provides employment and educational opportunities.

You have the right to work 20 hours per week during semesters and full-time during winter/summer break as a full-time student.

So there are unquestionably benefits to working in Canada.

As much as this article is intended to help you apply for scholarships in Canada, I feel compelled to warn you about the cold.

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If you have a low tolerance for cold, you should look elsewhere.

Top Universities to Consider

  • Queen’s University
  • Toronto University
  • Waterloo University
  • Alberta University
  • Western University is a division of the University of British Columbia.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Applying for Scholarships in Canada.

1. Make certain you understand the requirements.

Before applying for any scholarship or program, make sure you understand the requirements and are eligible.

The same is true for Canadian scholarships; certain requirements must be met in order to avoid disqualification.

Make sure to keep an eye out for that.

2. Research available scholarships and select a school.

There are numerous scholarships available for international students, with varying levels of funding.

Conduct your research and apply for as many positions as possible.

3. Early application is required.

Late applications are one of the factors that make it difficult to obtain a scholarship abroad, as early birds are given priority.

So begin your planning as soon as possible.

4. A letter of recommendation

This is significant and must be taken seriously.

It should be written by someone who knows you well and not by relatives or family members.

The letter should be printed on letterhead and signed.

5. Consider creativity as well as academics.

Scholarships are not only awarded based on academic achievement.

Some scholarships are awarded based on sportsmanship or other talents, such as music or dance.

General Scholarship Application Requirements in Canada.

  1. Good grades Because most scholarships in Canada are awarded on merit, you must have good grades if you want to be considered.
  2. Take the language proficiency examination
  3. Good grades in exams such as the TOEFL or IELTS will increase your chances of being chosen. Your command of the English language is critical.
  4. Extracurricular pursuits
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As previously stated, some scholarships in Canada are awarded based on students’ participation in extracurricular activities. You might want to think about this as well.

Some Scholarship Opportunities in Canada

1. University of Toronto International Student Scholarship

This is a full-tuition, book-cost, and lodging scholarship for undergraduate students. Academic ability, creativity, and leadership are all considered in the selection process.


2. The $500 scholarship competition sponsored by the Canadian Visa Study Hub

This is for current international students and postdoctoral researchers in Canada.

Every month, its members have the chance to win $500.


Join the Canadian study network.

You must have a valid study permit or postgraduate work permit.

Proof of enrollment in a Canadian post-secondary institution is required.


3. Ontario graduate scholarship (OGS) Aids in the funding of graduate students.


Candidates must;

Be enrolled in a Master’s or Doctoral level graduate program.

Be enrolled in full-time studies for at least two terms.

You must have a valid study permit.

Attend a school in Ontario that is a participant.


4. Graduate fellowship at the University of Manitoba

All students, including international students, are welcome.


Candidates must;

Have a minimum GPA of 3.0; some faculties may require higher.

You must be a full-time student with no financial support.


5. International Experience Award from the David Johnston Lebovic Foundation in Canada.

There are numerous other scholarships to choose from, and remember that you can apply for as many as you want.

If you’ve applied before and had no luck, don’t give up; there may be something you’re missing.

READ ALSO  Canada Scholarships For International Students

Keep trying, and who knows, you might be among the next few to be chosen.

This article, I believe, will alleviate your anxiety about applying for a scholarship in Canada.

Simply relax and follow the process, and believe you will succeed.